Department of Civil Engineering
The Department of Civil Engineering is headed by Prof. Dineshkumar S Maganur.
Department has well qualified, technically sound, experienced and caring faculty to cater to the needs of the present day Technical Education.
The Department was Established in the year 1980 with an intake of 50. Now the current intake is 90.
The department has laboratories that are well equipped meeting the requirements of AICTE norms.
The students are trained to be competent enough in theoretical and practical aspects. The advanced subjects like AUTO-CAD, Ground Water Engineering, Solid Waste Management, Air Pollution etc., are taught.
The department has well equipped laboratories.
The department has a unique model room, housing about 100 different forms of civil engineering structures.

Prof. Dineshkumar S Maganur
HOD, Dept. of Civil Engineering, STJIT
We are bridges over which we invite students to cross; then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create and reach their destiny.
By combining your imagination with our Technical Excellence, we create innovative reliable and cost-efficient solutions with small foot prints.
Our Staff
Association Activities

The department of Civil engineering conduct many cocurricular activities:
To bring people of civil community together & enhance their skills, there by build up confidence in them to transfer technology to common man.
Bridge up the gap between Industry & Institution, by attaining mutual benefits for the college and Industries through an attitude of Cooperation , partnership & sharing experiences.
The department has conducted several seminars & workshops and is marching forward in this regard.
Train up the students with managerial and public speaking skills and practices.
This Association has conducted several community upgradation programes.
Latest News
Engineer’s Day
One of the most eminent engineers ever produced by India, Sir.M.Visveswarayya, was a man of high principles and discipline. An enthusiastic person, Sir.M.Visveswarayya in his memory “Engineer’s Day” was celebrated on 15th September 2017 in civil engineering department. It was presided by chief guest Prof. Dinesh S Maganur HOD civil engineering department. The function was started at 9:30 am by performing pooja. All students of civil engineering department and staff were attended in the pooja. After that the chief guest addressed the students about the role of engineer in society. The function was ended at 11 am with the vote of thanks.
Welcome function
Civil Engineering department organized “Welcome function” for third semester students on 11th october 2017 in main seminar hall of STJIT under the coordination of Prof. Swapna Channagoudar. The chief guest Dr.Shivakumara B, principal STJ Insitute of Technology inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp. Prof. Dinesh S Maganur HOD civil engineering department, staff coordinator, student coordinators were present on the dais. In the afternoon session various activities was conducted for third semester students by the final year students. More than 400 students along with staff were presented in the function. The programme ended at 5 pm with the vote of thanks.